5 Hot Summer Pet Safety Tips
Summer is officially here fur friends! That means a lot more time spent outdoors enjoying the sun, the water, and all that mother nature has to offer. Who doesn’t want to spend this time in the great outdoors with their furry companions? Right? Well, while that may be the case, hot weather can make for some unique summer pet care challenges, and high temperatures can actually be dangerous in some situations. As many of us know, our fur babies do not sweat the same way we do and can easily become over-heated. Here, are 5 Hot Summer Pet Safety Tips to keep your pets cool, and safe while enjoying summer!
Happy Tails - Part 1
This is our first installment of our Happy Tails Series. These segments address some of our success stories with different pups who have come to us with various social and behavioral issues.
Socializing Your Dog
Socialization early in your dogs life is important and a key factor to how they develop their “personality” and ability to cope with new situations, we do want to stress that old dogs CAN learn new tricks and all is not lost if you have an older dog